September Affirmation: Is your glass half-full or half-empty?
Greetings of Love and Light,
September brings the Autumn Equinox, the beginning of Fall, and it also is the time when the light and the dark are equal. So this is an ideal time to reflect on this balance in our lives, and perhaps even more importantly, the meaning of the darkness.
Several years ago I taught a class on the Dark Goddess and I was quite surprised to hear from people who thought I was working with “dark” energy, meaning “bad” or “negative.” This represents a major misunderstanding that desperately needs to be corrected for us to move forward in wholeness and balance. The energy of the Dark Goddess, and the darkness in general is not negative. Darkness refers to the hiddenness of this mystery.
So when was the last time you connected with your lower chakra energies? These are the energies that we often keep in a closet until they can explode from being ignored. But if we were to accept them as part of our selves and allow this energy to come into the healing space of our hearts, we would discover a new sense of balance and wholeness.
Finally, is your glass of water half-empty or half full? This brings us to the important issue of perspective. We have the responsibility for not only our words and actions but our thoughts. Thoughts are energy that we can choose. So what is the energetic choice that you are making, for the light or the darkness? And remember to honor the darkness as you walk in the Light.
O God of Light and Darkness, how often we look at our world and see the glass as half-empty. We wonder if you have given up on humankind completely and left us to our own agonizing destruction. Yet we know that you will never leave us because you are in us and in our troubled world. And we are in you. Even when we forget our oneness with the All That Is and all life, you are still there, patiently waiting like a long-suffering Parent for us to return Home. As your prodigal sons and daughters, we ask for your Guidance, your Patience and your Forgiveness. Show us the way Home, for so often it feels like we are lost. May we stretch out our hands in a loving embrace for all your family as we are drawn ever closer together in your Love, your Light and your Peace. So it is.