My name is “I AM” and I am within you.

Greetings of Love and Light,
For years my spiritual work has been inspired by the power of the journey between darkness and light. In the Christian story, we mark the intersection of those two powers. Over two thousand years ago, a group of people had just witnessed a terrible injustice. Their leader, their friend, the one they hoped would bring freedom from oppression, had been tortured and killed. And now they were in hiding. They feared for their lives. Their hearts were broken with grief. Their lives were turned upside down and would never be the same. What gave them the courage to hang on and seek the light? What gave them the strength to believe when they could see only darkness?
Today the peoples of Ukraine and Gaza are facing death and destruction every day from every side. I recently saw a story on the news about a group here in the U.S. who were learning how to create the beautiful Ukrainian Easter eggs to support the people of Ukraine at this critical time and I couldn’t help wondering how many people in Ukraine would find the peace and security to create these eggs this year. Would their traditions bring them comfort or would simple survival and the need for food take precedence?
Crucifixion can manifest in many forms. We’re fortunate not to fear the bombs and bullets of war, but that doesn’t mean we feel safe and secure. Perhaps our homes have been threatened by natural disasters; wildfires, floods or tornadoes. Perhaps a virus has knocked at our door or the door of a loved one and we have an empty chair at our table. Perhaps we know someone who has lost a job and has little food to feed their family. Crucifixion may be long and slow or quick and deadly. How do we find the Light when we see only darkness? How did the disciples of Jesus do it so long ago? How are the people of Ukraine and Gaza doing it today? The answer is what I call the message of the crocus. They come out of the darkness of winter into the light of spring and blossom beautifully. They come to life in the warmth of faith. And so do we!
And remember: “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is awaiting us…The old skin has to be shed before the new one is to come.” ~ Joseph Campbell
Abba Father, we are your children, the fruit of your loving and abundant Creation. You lead us with reins of Love and call us to grow and transform. Teach us to trust you as a loving Parent and know that we are safe in your loving arms. Teach us to meet life with innocence and joy, welcoming change as a great adventure. May we learn to celebrate birthing, growing and transforming, just as the flowers of spring burst into bloom. So it is.