“Where is the partnership with the Beloved, the Sacred Union which we planted in the desert?” Mary Magdalene as channeled by Maryesah Karelon
We are a group of women and men dedicated to the teaching and healing work of Master Yeshua (Jesus) and his Beloved Mary Magdalene here on earth. In humbleness and gentleness of heart the brothers and sisters of the Sanctuary seek to serve the world by announcing the Good News in word and example; healing by the power of Love and Light; and teaching the radical truth that there is no duality, there is only Oneness. Therefore the goal of our spiritual life together shall be the balance of the masculine and feminine such that partnership and sacred union become the path to ascension.
For nearly 1,500 years the Christianity that has become one of the pillars of Western civilization has had a fatal design flaw. Hard as it may be to conceive, a critical piece of the puzzle has not only been ignored, but actually buried with the intent that the tomb should never be opened. But now in the new millennium of the Divine Feminine it is time to roll the stone away and allow the Light of Truth to shine. The Apostle of this Truth is a woman whose reputation has been tarnished for centuries—Mary Magdalene. First witness to the Risen Christos, she comes now in our day to be a witness to the forgotten history of the Beloved—her Beloved and ours. She walks out of the darkness of the ages and with a clear voice, questions those who have been the keepers of the legacy.
“How can you ever become whole when you deny the part of you that gives life? How can you honor the Divine by denying the divinity within your own temple? Now your rivers run dry and your lands have become a wilderness, parched by the unrelenting Sun of your worship of the masculine mind. Allow me to come home and I will be your teacher. Welcome me back from my long exile, restore me to my rightful place of honor and respect, and then together we will restore our church and our beloved Mother Earth.”
We are a creatively new non-denominational community, bridging the worlds of the traditional and the non-traditional by doing God’s work in a new paradigm.
If these words resonate within you to the depths of your soul, then we invite you to become a member by making a donation to support our work. Contributions of any amount will be greatly appreciated. To donate using a credit card or your PayPal account, click on the Donate button below.
Otherwise, please send a check or money order to:
The Sanctuary of the Magdalene
4310 Leisure Lane, Apt. D304
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
Thank you for your interest in the Sanctuary of the Magdalene. Come join us!